Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ah, Biking!

"Biking is great"
Many people would say this if they once start riding a bike to work. It is actually. And I used to bike to work all the time when I was in Tokyo; 16km for round trip every day. I loved it. Apart from I once hit a Mercedes and was carried to a hospital by ambulance. In a way, that was a great experience, though. Lying on the middle of a big intersection near Harajuku station looking at the sky, wondering if I should pretend I was hurt or what. I thought that was Yakuza, Japanese mafia because they drive Mercedes, and they would breed me dry. Usually, Tokyo people are very much aloof and unkind, however that time many people huddled around me and asked if I was okay. I looked around there was a big mob looking at me. I felt like I was a movie star. I would’ve put my hand up to greet them, like as if to say I came back from Hell or something. But that was a big intersection. If I did it would be run over by an old woman on a scooter, who didn’t know an accelerator from brakes.

Okay, I wandered from the subject. That happens a lot when I write. Well what was the subject…yeah biking.

Now I started biking to work again since moved out of my old house to live with Maz, my fiancée. I have not ridden for a while; so at first I felt tired after I biked. It is okay. If you don’t practice for a while you get rusty in anything. However a bad thing is, I feel I can go as I used to. That’s the biggest problem with me. Many fathers get hurt when they attend their kids’ annual athletic meet which they are allowed to participate in for some events. They try to do their best to show off to their kids without knowing they aged and their bodies no longer take any physical stress.

So I have to be careful not to push hard myself. Anyway, biking is great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

5:17 AM  

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