Wednesday, July 27, 2005


To day must be unforgettable day for us, my family. Bell died today. Bell was a dog and she had been with us for 16 years. I never had a dog like her which outlived such long. Before I went to the U.S. she was fine, could, taking a stroll everywhere. When I was in the U.S. just before I went to UCD, my mother told me that Bell was likely to die soon. I did not believe what my mother said; I just could not picture that Bell would die. She came down with disease. She got a big tumor in her brain, when I saw her, last month, she could not recognize me. She was doing funny; she kept walking counter clockwise all day long in a cage. Other that walking she was just lying on the ground. She lost her weight a lot. Obviously, she lost.

From last week she couldn’t walk either. She just laid on the ground. Her breathe was shallow and fast. When I came back from Tokyo, she looked she couldn’t live any longer. She was waiting for the death. Last night, other dogs barked right in the mid night. It was really odd. I hardly heard dogs barking in the night. I am not sure, but I suppose they barked at Bell’s death.

This morning I saw her around 5 am. She got solid as a doll. Then I noticed it was just breaking dawn. Last night I was writing about Bell and wrote about when Bell would die. I wrote “she died in breaking dawn”. It came to true. I erased all what I wrote, the story.

Yesterday, when I came back from Kochi, I saw her was still just laying on the ground, waiting for her death. I squatted next to her, and told her that she had done good job and didn’t have to fight anymore and thanked to her that being around. I am sort of glad that she could die before she started suffering from that she could not die soon.

This morning, my parents and I went to the river to return Bell to the nature. This is the way of farewell. We don’t bury animals into the earth, because if we did, whenever we saw the place we buried we had to remember them. To remember pets is sounds nice, but it is bad for them when you think about it. They are having fun on the heaven; we shouldn’t pull their legs with thinking about them. You know what I mean?

So we said good-bye to her and came back to our house. That is almost all I did today.


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