Friday, March 21, 2008

Going normal, if I can

I am supposed to give a speech at the next Toastmasters’ meeting. I was going to describe how different Japanese jokes and western’s (people who speak English) are. What motivated me to do it was many friends, English speaker say Japanese joke sucks. How dare they say that? The reason they don’t understand is because they don’t understand Japanese jokes. So my frustration and resentment nearly hit the ceiling. I decided to give a speech about jokes (but not this time). I am pretty sure most members—old ones—won’t understand what I talk about and why. Anyway, at the next next chance I will give a speech about jokes. One month is not enough to research all Japanese jokes and western jokes to convince English speakers of that Jap joke is funny as hell.

Since I had been away from blogging, I don’t know what to write. I used to not have this problem, as far as I look back my past posts. Well, probably back then my journal was about complaining of my circumstance such as my evil managers who wringed money from co-workers in Tokyo kind of thing. I can complain of practically anything if I want to. I used to have a Japanese journal and I was writing about my company and annoying colleagues in a very funny way. One friend who I told the existence of that blog once sent an email me and said that my posts were extremely obnoxious and made her sad. I was about to email back to say “if so, stop reading then and start your own blog to write about something beautiful like you have found a flower growing from concrete, so exuberant, gave her a hope” I would add “ That flower might have been fertilized by a plenty of dogs. Do watch out before you think” Luckily I didn’t send it to her; instead I said thanks as try to be Japanese as possible. Anyway, what I want to say is this blog not going to be as outrageous as before for sure. But I don’t write about an over energetic flower which took trouble to bring itself up in concrete. This is going to be in between.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let other people get you down. Hey, you should try to write some examples here about the difference between Japanese and English jokes. I don't know if I've heard a Japanese joke. I've heard Japanese people joke, I mean, but not an "official" joke like a knock knock or something. What are they like?

2:37 PM  

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