Thursday, September 28, 2006

You want to know something new around me? Well nothing new happened in these days till this afternoon. My parents and I were about to call it a day; it was just after workers had left. My mother got a phone call from one of workers. I just saw my mother and a full-time worker rushing through in from of a green house I was. I’ve never seen, at least as far as I remember, my mother ran. At once I noticed something unusual thing happened. They jumped in a car and drove away when I went out of the green house. I found my father stood, looking at the car leaving. I asked him what in the world happened and he said “Oh, one worker ran over a person.”

I suddenly imaged a disastrous scene, a blood-covered, non-moving guy under a car. This image reminded me that I’ve run over pigeons a year ago. I cannot forget the car was slightly lifted up, as mush height of a pigeon. I wondered if the worker could drive a car again. As my father and I were looking in the distance vaguely, we heard of the wail of an ambulance siren. We resumed our works. There was nothing we could do for the matter. I didn’t even fancy that I were a psychic or wizard or something and could cope with this situation. Like this stupid thing I usually do, but not this time.

I finished closing green house and got home. My father decided to do some more work. My mother didn’t seem to come back for a while, so I fixed supper instead. When my mother was back the supper was already cold. She told me the worker just hit a kid; he didn’t seem was injured at all. Yet the worker’s windshield was all cracked. According to my mother, the boy tried to hop on the bicycle and left, because he was fine and afraid of being involved in polis stuff. Anyway another co-worker, whose car was right behind, called ambulance.

First of all, nobody was injured, except the car, is good. After I ate the supper, I rushed to my PC and started checking up cars. I will buy a car, scary car which no one want to be close, like a black Mercedes.


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