Saturday, September 09, 2006

books are products of Alchemy

I’ve been reading a book “The alchemist” for one month. I bought it just before I left Tokyo. I’d read it half and then stopped; because I lost it for a while and I started reading another book, so, these day I re-set about “The Alchemist” again. I’ve not done yet, reading, but it’s really instructive book contrary to my expectation.

If you have read this book already, you must know this book isn’t about alchemy; probably it is, however from a different view point. At least it’s not like that animation, Full metal alchemist. What I like about the book, as you read you will find what is important for you life, personal legend; and how important to pursue it for your life without getting tempted by something less important, which you shouldn’t follow at the point. For instance this is a part I like which is when the boy, main persona, was telling the alchemist that he’s got enough money, a woman in love and thinking about ceasing his journey to the Pyramid for his personal legend.

“I have already found my treasure. I have a camel, I have my money from the crystal shop, and I have fifty gold pieces. In my own country, I would be a rich man.”
“But none of that is from the Pyramids,” said the alchemist.
“I also have Fatima. She is a treasure greater than anything else I have won.”
|She wasn’t found at the Pyramids, either.”
They are in silence. The alchemist opened a bottle and poured a red liquid into the boy’s cup. It was the most delicious wine he had ever tasted.

This book is, as I mentioned earlier, instructive. So sometimes it sounds boring, but those instructions are well covering the boringness up and drive me reading for my skill on my reading English books.

Talking of books, I’ve read “THE BODY” this week. It’s original of the movie “Stand by me” I bought it on, because I kept wishing to read it for years. As I started I found a strange in this book. It was so easy that even I could read without problem. I thought, Stephen King’s book shouldn’t be this easy. I looked the back of the book; it read “Penguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with Longman, the world famous education publisher blah blah blah…” In a word, this book was just simplified. No wonder how easy this book is. But I didn’t find information about it when I bought it in Amazon. That’s one scary thing can occur to you when you buy books in the internet. You’re not able to glance over a book. However I read it anyway, though, simply because that book was excellent. As I finished reading it, I ordered “real” book. The story was excellent without “real” Stephen King’s word. I wonder how it’s gonna be better when the story marries King’s real writing.


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