Saturday, September 09, 2006

This is the second journal of the day. It’s simply because, I couldn’t write the previous one yesterday owing to this half-broken computer. Last night I was really frustrated because I really wanted to write about Vocation. So I postponed to write and did it after work. I sort of re-read the one about Vocation, did not understand; the structure is bad. Anyway I am writing second one now.

I had been in Tokyo for 5 years total; 4 years for my school, and rest of 1 year was for the miss-chosen work. But I never thought that I wanted to live in Tokyo. The reason I had been to school in Tokyo is because, there was this Japanese archery, Kyudo teacher who passed away 3 years ago. I was eager to learn Kyudo under him. To tell the truth, I wasn’t up to go to University after high school Instead, I just was really dying to pursue Kyudo. Kyoudo could be my vocation, by the way. Just I cannot make money from it.

People see their future in Tokyo. They are from all over the country, even from the other country. Somehow, many people think they can find something important to their life in Tokyo. In brief, it’s partly right, but 95% wrong. One guy, who I happened to acquaint in a temporary job, from Miyazaki, southern end of Japan, quit his job in his hometown and just moved in to Tokyo said “I thought I could have a better life in Tokyo.” When I heard of it, thought it depended on him. I didn’t tell him, though.

It’s not surprising people living in neighbor prefectures seek for job in Tokyo, because it’s commutable. However a few numbers of people live far and long for something showy in Tokyo. They rely on their friends living in Tokyo and land on. As far as I concern, people thought Tokyo was “splendid town” tended to end with hardship which were based on the difference between wish and real. Tokyo isn’t an easy city for living. People are indifferent to one anther; you cannot get a job easily except for the 3Ds job (Dirty, Difficult, and dangerous); living costs are too high to buy a rope to hang your neck.

The interesting thing is, people who have noticed that Tokyo wasn’t the city they fancied rarely got out of the city right away. There are various kinds of reason. But the biggest reason is they—especially young kids—think living in Tokyo is still better, cooler than country side. Strictly for the birds; personally I have lived in Tokyo for long time, and it was convenient, but I never even once felt it was cooler, rather I felt stinker in someway. Most people think themselves is the most stinky thing. So, some once longed people keep sticking to Tokyo and aged. As long as they think living poorly, in terms of their mind and wallet, is better than stay with their family in a country; cannot get rid of their false belief which was practically broken by the reality.

A place doesn’t decide whether you are content or not. That’ is you decide your life.

Sorry for this such a pointless bad writing. I am sleepy.


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