Thursday, October 19, 2006

I decided to right journal everyday yesterday. But I already didn’t, now have to wake up early and make up for it.

Writing dairy isn’t easy; if you are doing so, you know it. What makes it difficult is to find a topic to write down. Not too many new things show up everyday. Marriage, pregnant, and meet a celebrity are worth writing, but you cannot be pregnant everyday, even every year wears you out. Marrying every single year is far more difficult to do. You have to keep seeking someone to be in love all the time, even you are still married to somebody else. What is more, as your marriage experience increases, it gets difficult. If I were a partner’s parent position, wouldn’t allow my daughter to be with that abnormal person. Meeting celebrity is the easiest thing of three. You just have to be one of them or work for TV station. But you soon loose interest writing about meeting them. When anything goes part of your daily life, your nerves is numb.

What skill I need to keep dairying, is finding interest in my life. When I move my chopsticks, I have to find something funny or strange in it.

I found my chopsticks, around grips, were covered with rubber for friction. But I don’t thing they aren’t needed.


Another thing, I need gigantic number of readers so I can be motivated all the time. Well then somebody will comment like this

“Your English sucks. Why don’t to just live with friend monkeys, you Pearl Harbor.”

Well, then I have to start to persuade the person that Japan tried to tell the states we were about to attack, but the ambassadors were too drunk to translate. Commenting back and forth will be longer than the actual journal of the day. Having too many readers will be as bad as being too drunk, seems like.

Oh I’ve got to go for work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That insult is hilarious. No one would call you a Pearl Harbor because Pearl Harbor is a place. Like would you call me a stupid Wilsonville? Ha ha! You might call me a person from Wilsonville, or maybe a Willsonvillian or Wilsonvillan? I like Wilson-villan. That's funny. Anyhow, if anything, an ignorant person would probably accuse you of being a kamikaze.

11:33 AM  

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