Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Life is exciting

I am not trying to write my journal in a funny way like my friend did. However it seems like I ran out of things to write. Is my life not exciting? No, I admit it…that’s no. But I got 24 hours; ignore sleep—I am having funny dreams that are exciting, I should have something to write. Well, there is the last way—that’s still the third day, god—left: enumerate what I have done today.
1. Woke up, but I didn’t want to get up. That must be around 5:30
2. Got up, did not thing good for a while on Futon
3. I was about to go to work but realized was supposed to throw burnable garbage. Opened the bin I found the mess. Stinky crab was everywhere on the bottom of the bin.
4. Cleaned the mess in disgust.
5. Went to work.
6. Worked.
7. Came home.
8. Here I am writing a journal.



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