Saturday, August 27, 2005

I moved!!

My one computer is dying. It sounds sad when I wrote it, but it actually the time for it to die maybe. It lasted for 5 years. I guess it outlived for a laptop. It moved around with me; even went to the U.S.A with me and got broken. Now this computer, have problem on its fan. It does not work much and cannot take heat out. When it gets really hot, it is going to be down. It takes a while to re-start. Besides, every time I start it, this computer forgets everything except programs. For example, it forgets “my favorite” I have to memorize the URL or look up on the internet all the time. It reminded me of the movie “Memento”. Only good thing for this is, it does not kill people for sure.

Okay I just moved into new town. 東京都杉並区和泉is my town. It is really close to Shinjuku, I can get there by bike. If I use a bike, I can get earlier than take train or any thing. This town has good shops; so, atmosphere is really good. I wanted to take a picture of those shops today; however, most of them are closed, because it is Saturday. I did not feel like taking picture of shuttered stores. It can be seemed sad. I can not deliver the mood, actual this town is.

Anyway, I walked around a bit. Today this town has a festival. I wish I could go. Today I have to wait a sudden phone call from a moving company. I have to get my stuff sometime this afternoon. How boring it is staying at well lit room. Ops, my computer is getting hotter and hotter. I’d better stop now.


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