Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Where are you going, Tapa?

This morning Tapa Laxman Bab (I am not sure how to spell his name, sounds like this)—who are from Nepal—called me on a phone and said
“I will probably find a place in a month.” said, Tapa.
“Find what?” I answer with a question. Then, it did not take my brain to bring the information that he told me was going to start curry restaurant. I totally forgot about it, and he was sort of asking me to join his idea. He is a nice guy; he will put that into effect alright. However, there is no clue he will succeed in the plan. Besides, I am totally not interested in Curry restaurant. If I am not interested in something, I can not do the best in that. Anyway, I told him I will help you if he is short of hand.

Then my brain delivered second information that he also asked me to help him with money. Where do I have that money, anyway? I thought he was kidding at least the point in asking me to give him money. Ops he was not only serious about starting a restaurant but also about it.

When he hung up the phone; he told me to give him a phone call tomorrow. He said to me helping his plan is the way you live and stick to the word. Wait Tapa when did I give you a word?

He was urgent. What’s wrong with him?


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