Thursday, June 08, 2006

I found myself did not post for a week. I happened to know that I did not for this long when I saw my friend’s blog. I thought “Oh I did not post for probably 2,3 days” NO, it was a week. I don’t want to repeat “Time flies” a worn out word. Ever since I stared studying English, I must hear somebody say this once a month. Great. I know that don’t say that.

Anyway, what I should talk about? Well I must write about my work place. I probably wrote about it last time, composed by 6 people or something—I am not going to read again, though. Anyway, this Monday, I was dead; or as good as dead. I got a cold from sleeping on a floor without a blanket. I thought the summer already surrounded me, but the night took it away during the world was covered stars—actually in Tokyo you hardly see stars, anyway—and gave me really cold. It the chilly attacked me before I went asleep, I would not get a cold. It was not protection if it came after me after midnight. I woke up at —wait was I supposed to write about my work place, hold on a sec—4 am right away knew I got cold. I am not the type that believes the cold comes from cold. I mean a cold is a germ, that’s all. But the thing was, one girl—even though she is not that young—came down with a cold, spreading it. Okay now I change my opinion cold help a cold. Make sense?

Anyway I really digressed. Back to about my work place. THEY HARLDY TALK. Is that just because they are Japanese? If I want, don’t make any mistake, don’t have any question, I do not have to open mouth for 3 hours straight. Other 5 people are sitting right near by me. I can get to the furthest man with 6 steps. 6 steps of distance can make 3 hours of isolation. Hahaha Besides, I bet for 10 bucks they never worked at a restaurant or somewhere they had to talk with “Customer”. Every time when I hear they talk with somebody on a phone, find their rudeness. The first it was really annoying me because my previous job was at café. Although the café was extremely bad, I learned had to take well care of customers. Contrary to it, our current co-worker was really rude, so rude that I can laugh at their ways of talking. I feel sorry for the customers—they are doctors—but at the same time it makes me giggle. Someday I should imply my colleague about what the serves is. However it must seem impossible for no talking.

But I am not complaining that no body talks, on the contrary, it is better to me than people talks too much.


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