
In these days, I wrote only about my job on this blog. It is just because I do not do anything except work. What the… Yesterday, my manager called me a stealer for the reason that I wrote about yesterday.
Something was supposed to happen today too. Before I would write something that drove me crazy, I want to write something “light side”. As I wrote an important worker broke down for too much working. We are pretty much short of workers; even before the woman broke down we were already short of it. For a substitute a guy came who I worked with in Harajuku. And he is a really nice guy; we have to put aside this that he like women more than he needs. Anyway, I had a good time while he was with us. Unfortunately he left after the busiest time pasted. Then the manager declared that she would leave me all the manager work for today and tomorrow. She should have told in advance. I did not prepare anything, besides today was really tricky day, busy, as it were. I could not finish even normal job, cleaning up, preparing for tomorrow and so forth. And time after time my manager called me and explained me about preparation for being a manager. Not only that some customers did not leave after shop hours. Anyway, make long story short, my manager told me to count money in order to reduce problem to zero. However, today did not finish smoothly. We were short of about 500 yen. And my manger found it and said this to me.
“You have to solve this situation as a manager.”
“How?” I asked.
“You should know. You have a wallet. That is the point
Then she left the café without giving me any good idea. So, all I could do was open the wallet and reduce my Engle’s coefficient. For pete’s sake!! Are we making money or what? As for my manager, she paid about 9,000 yen, because yesterday, somehow money was short. She just put her money into the casher to make up for the shortage. She said she was afraid that our company might tell her that she was not worth of being in charge of money. I am not a manger, but I know what is good. That is all I want to say.
Anyway, fortunately I got lots of food those are worthy of more than 1,000 yen. They are unsold products; and we could not sell tomorrow. They put me out of hungry. We call it “waste”, because we could not make money through with it. What I want to emphasize is, how my co-workers call it. They call “waste” sounds like “west”. Every time they ask me how much “west” we have a day. I don’t know how to reply and I can not answer like “maybe one”. They won’t understand my joke, anyways. I never point out it.
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