Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kinda warm day today.

I went to two places to work today. One is in Saitama prefecture and the other one is I usually work, in Tokyo. Do you know this that you will get tired easily when you move far? I’ve heard this a few years ago, and it made sense to me. I got tired when I went somewhere, even by car or train. Moving makes you tired some how. Anyway, I moved long distance today and even I did not work long today, I was so tired. I was already exhausted when I got to Harajuku where I usually work, and told my co-worker about it. She told me she was tired too from making cookie for Valentine’s Day for her boyfriend. So, we were both tired. Not only that the manager went back for his date. He said he was going to a hospital for his back ache. But it was obvious that was for the date. My co-worker said he should have lied better. Hahahahaha

Anyway, it was Valentine’s Day and nothing was happened, but work.


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