I think these days we see many gay people in TV show. It didn't happen 10 years ago in Japan. To be honest, I suppose, gay people are discriminated or ignored purposely just because we didn't know how to react them. Anyway, time passed and you see lots of them in TV. Some guys even pretend to be gay so they could have some popularity.
I am not sure if this is because the society has changed, people are open to gay people, or simply the number of gay people increased. I thinnk either of them is right. I think a producer or whoever got power is gay and he/she trys to make the gay world in common. Okay that's not a problem. There is a need(there are many gay people anyway).
But if a pervert man with power trys to make "Loving dolls as if they are real humans is very natural to us" in comon? That's scary. Think if Paris Hilton says "Yeah, a doll has a soul. We should treat them as human being. They are cool and hard all the time." in typical Paris voice. Probably some stupid people whose brains are missing will think, they should love dolls, perhaps have them as boy/girlfriends. Then what happens? Human being will distinct and dolls are left. Okay, Paris doesn't influence us that strong, we know. But there is a small possibility. We cannot ignore.
In 10 years marrying a doll may not surprise us. But surely it's not because of Paris Hilton.